Anita Vermeeren
Anita Vermeeren (1967, the Netherlands)
Next to landscape and flowers, there is the portrait as a returning theme in the work of Anita Vermeeren. The question ‘what to imagine in a portrait?’ fascinates her: portraits can move you and can evoke questions. They interact between the viewer and the portrayed.
But they also have a relationship with the artist herself.
When there is a series of frescos with prophets in the atelier, Anita Vermeeren feels their presence. The prophets bring wisdom, advice and understanding. They are a connection between good and evil. When they leave the atelier, there is literally emptiness and silence.
Charcoal and ballpoint sketches have played a big role in the works of Vermeeren for the last couple of years. The sketches used to be there for preliminary study, but are grown to be an independent medium.
First of all they are a powerful base, with the light-dark play. One stroke leads to another: it is a chain reaction, without a plan. The result is part of the process. More than often you can see her painting technics in her sketches and the other way around, the lust for drawing is part of her paintings. For Anita Vermeeren drawing and painting are strongly interwoven.
Klassieke oudheid naar Michelangelo profeet Jeremiah
240 x 125 cm
Houtskool/mixed media
Price on request | Lokatie: Utrecht
Klassieke oudheid naar Michelangelo profeet Jesaja
240 x 125 cm
Houtskool/mixed media
| Lokatie: Utrecht
Klassieke oudheid naar Michelangelo profeet Ezechiel
216 x 125 cm
Houtskool/ mixed media
Price on request | Lokatie: Utrecht