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Judith Wiersema

For more than 15 years the promising Dutch artist Judith Wiersema (1968, Bergen) puts her creative mind and energy into powerful forms in stone and wood. These firm materials symbolize her experience of resistance as she encountered in real life. Her work distinguishes itself due to an unique balance between realistic shapes and sizes of abstraction. The essence of her work combine both strengt hand sensitivity of women.
The message in her sculptures are translated into highly sensual, revealing and teasing compositions. Wiersema transforms her sculptures in bronze and aluminium objects enhancing glamourous effects. It is Judith’s intention to tease the mind and provoke the thoughts; these vibrations reflect to infinite imagination. 


Gooische Kunstacademie

Group Exhibitions (selected)

Gallery Kong - Korea
Maison Ocoa Plage - Saint Tropez
Gallery Robin Herduin - Saint Tropez
Artclub@Supperclub - Los Angeles
Jaski - Amsterdam.

Art Fairs (selected)

PAN - Amsterdam
Tefaf - Maastricht
Millionaires fair - Amsterdam


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